Do You Need Social Security Disability Income Today?

In the event that you have been harmed by a disability that keeps you from going back to your job, you may meet the requirements for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). The measure of benefits you will be qualified for relies upon your work record. This implies you will probably get what your Social Security retirement benefit would have been if you kept on working up until your retirement age.

The data below will aid you to figure out if you meet the requirements for SSDI, and what benefits you can hope to collect.

To begin with, you should find out whether you fit the bill for disability benefits. As a rule, benefits are paid to individuals who can’t work because of an injury or sickness that is likely to last no less than a year, or result in death.

Five-Step Process in Determining Eligibility

  • If you can work and procure more than a stated threshold every month as determined by the Social Security Administration (SSA), you are not thought to be disabled. It is conceivable, notwithstanding, to collect SSDI while also working as well.
  • Your injury or ailment must keep you from having the capacity to perform simple work activities, for example, walking or standing, for at least one year.
  • In the event that above requirements are met, the SSA matches your medical condition to a rundown of impairments that they regard sufficiently serious to keep somebody from having the capacity to work. In the event that it is, you qualify as being disabled.

The SSA would then figure out if your disability is keeping you from doing your particular job. For instance, if your disability keeps you from doing any work, however the greater part of your job is carried out while sitting at a desk, your disability may not meet all requirements for benefits.

The SSA will determine if you are capable and met all requirements to perform other job responsibilities so as to keep working.

The following steps help determine if you meet the requirements for benefits is to figure out if you have worked sufficiently long. To do as such, you should pass the two tests below:

Recent Work Test: This relies on upon your age and the amount you have worked in a timeframe before you got to be disabled. For instance, you can go successfully through the recent work test on the off chance that you got to be disabled at age 31, and you worked during five out of the 10-year time span before becoming disabled.

Duration of Work Test: This lets you know how long you need to have worked so as to qualify for SSDI benefits. The test depends on a sliding scale dictated by your age.

The amount Will You Receive in Disability Benefits?

You can have an accurate idea of what your disability benefits would be in the event that you look at your most recent Social Security statement and create an account on the SSA’s site. An instance of appraised disability benefits for a person who worked sufficiently long to qualify, and whose normal retirement benefit is $1,762, would be $1,596. Our Tennessee Social Security disability lawyers at Jeff Roberts & Associates can help you with this. You can reach us at .

Handling SSDI claims can be a tedious procedure, frequently taking up to five months to determine. To maintain a strategic distance from delays, ensure that you have available, the information below when you apply:

  • Your Social Security number
  • Contact details for specialists, clinics, and some other people that are significant to your disability
  • Medication data
  • Medical records
  • Research center/test results
  • Employment records
  • Your most recent W-2 and tax records

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